Electro Cardio Graph

One of many E.C.G’s. taking place

Does it hurt? No! not a bit

This is how they check your heart rhythm is ok and they can also spot possible signs of rejection after transplant.
As you can see small stickers are put on your chest, wrists and ankles. Then wires are connected to the stickers and the machine at the other end, you lay down for about a minute while they take some readings, that’s it the stickers are removed (nice if you have a hairy chest) and your off on your way.

I had an E.C.G. every day for the first week, then every other day while I was in hospital. Now I seem to have an E.C.G. every time I go to Harefield Hospital.

This is Robert Bougard, he is one of the ecg technicians at Harefield. Rob has done most of my ecg’s since transplant and this is what the ecg reading looks like. 

Now the readings have to be checked and measured, then compared to the last egc’s that the patient has had (their base line). A 10% tolerance is fine, anymore than that and the technician would advise an echo scan to check for possible rejection.

This is Ade who has just checked my ecg and I am pleased to say everything looks fine and I don’t have any rejection. Although Ade did reject my offer of her joining me on the London to Brighton Bike Ride.

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